If you've been reading my Autoimmune Disease Series and are interested in learning more, please check out some of my favorite books below!
The Autoimmune Solution by Dr. Amy Meyers is a wonderful resource for further explaining the mechanisms behind autoimmunity as well as providing instructions for starting the "autoimmune paleo" diet
The Paleo Diet by Dr. Loren Cordain is one of, if not the best resource on the paleo diet. An easy and informative read with meal plans and recipes laid out in a simple to follow manner.
Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter details the inflammatory effects grains have not only on your gut, but also on your brain!
One of my personal favorites, The Wahls Protocol is written by a brilliant MD, Terry Wahls, who sent her progressive multiple sclerosis into remission using diet and supplementation. Her protocol is laid out in great detail in this book as well as the research behind the diet and her amazing personal story.
Directed especially at Hashimoto's sufferers, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms by Dr. Datis Kharrazian is also applicable to anyone with autoimmune disease who is seeking but failing to find answers to their symptoms.
Please also see the following websites for great information:
Not sure where to start? Thinking you might need some help? MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!
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